Mission and Purpose
Services Provided
- Maintains business hours Monday through Friday from 8:30AM to 11:30AM & 2:00 PM to 5:00PM. The office is open during business hours Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings and Tuesday afternoons.
- Provides information and referrals for A.A. inquiries.
- Maintains a 12 Step listing and calls individuals for 12 Step work.
- Provides a 24 hour helpline manned by volunteers in the evenings and on weekends and holidays.
- Publishes meeting schedules of all groups in the Coastal Bend Area at no charge.
- Publishes a monthly newsletter, the “Coastal BENDER”, to keep A.A. members informed of local A.A. affairs and special events.
- Purchases and sells “CONFERENCE APPROVED’ literature, and non-conference approved Anniversary Medallions and Sobriety Chips.
- Conducts monthly Trustee meetings. Any member with an item on the agenda is welcome to attend. Group GSR’s and IGR’s are always welcome to attend.
- Conducts Quarterly Meetings to keep groups apprised of Intergroup activities, and to seek group participation in CBIA affairs.
- Maintains service committees for service work in the Coastal Bend Area.
- Develops and maintains a website.
Contact and Office Hours
CBIA Hours _____________________________________________________________________________ CBIA PHONE NUMBER- (361) 992-8911 Calls are answered by staff during business hours Monday-Friday and by helpline volunteers at lunch, after hours and on weekends and holidays. CBIA OFFICE HOURS (except on Holidays). We will continue to work 30-hour weeks during 2023 to keep costs down. Monday-Friday 8:30am–11:30am and 2:00pm–5:00pm The office is open during these hours to come in and pick up items. If you would like, you can call ahead with your order and we can have it ready for pick up. If we are out of stock, we can let you know at that time. CBIA HOLIDAYS January New Year’s Day September Labor Day May Memorial Day November Thanksgiving- 2 days July Independence Day December Christmas Day
Where is the CBIA Office?
To use this online, follow this link.
What Does CBIA Need From AA Groups?
- A representative (IGR or GSR) from each group to participate in CBIA governance.
- Donations to cover our expenses (For guidelines see AA Pamphlet F-3: Self Support: Where Money & Spirituality Mix)
- Keep CBIA informed of changes in information shown on the AA Meeting Schedule.
- Keep CBIA informed of group events which the group wants CBIA to promote.
What Can Individual AA Members Do To Help CBIA?
- Volunteer to answer the hotline overnight and on weekends. (Limited positions are available. Minimum 6 months sobriety is required).
- Volunteer to answer 12 Step Calls. (People are needed – especially women and people in outlying areas. Minimum 2 years sobriety is required. )
- Volunteer to be a member of the CBIA board of trustees (Minimum 2 year’s sobriety is required. No conflict of interest as board member or employee of a business treating alcoholism.)
- Check to see that your group is donating to CBIA in accordance with AA Guidelines (See AA Pamphlet F-3 Self Support Where Money & Spirituality Mix).
- Donations to cover our expenses (Some AA members make a Birthday contribution (Traditionally, $1 for each year of sobriety) each year. Some make monthly contributions (faithful fivers) or one-time contributions.)
- Donate online using our Seventh Tradition page.
12 Step Helpline
Download June 2023 12-Step Helpline
Quarterly Meeting: Schedule and Minutes
Group Donations Information and Addresses
Suggestions for Group Donations, with Addresses
Coastal Bend Intergroup (Suggested 50% *)
3833 S. Staples Suite S-212
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Districts (Suggested 10% *)
District 7 Treasurer
P.O. Box 5324
Victoria, TX 77903
District 8D Treasurer
P.O. Box 61135
Corpus Christi, TX 78466
District 8E Treasurer
% James M.
District 15 Treasurer
% Becky G.
1211 Smokehouse Rd
Rockport TX 78382
Area 68 Southwest Texas (Suggested 10% *)
SWTA 68 Treasurer
P.O. Box 830195
San Antonio, TX 78283
General Service Office (Suggested 30% *)
P.O. Box 459
New York, NY 10163-0459
PI / CPC Committee
PI/CPC Committee
CBIA PI/CPC Committee
If interested in being a member of this Committee contact CBIA at 361-992-8911 or e-mail to cbia@grandecom.net. This year the committee plans to produce informational events for the public / professional communities – initially focusing on probation.
AA Group Information Change Form
This form is linked to the AA.org site in order to always maintain the most current and accurate information available.
Please fill out two forms and turn in both to Intergroup
One form to change information on this site
One form for your appropriate to change information with GSO
AA New Group Form
This form is linked to the AA.org site in order to always maintain the most current and accurate information available.
Please fill two forms out and turn in both to Intergroup
One form to change information on this site
One form for your appropriate to change information with GSO
Agenda Form
The Agenda for the quarterly Intergroup Representatives Meeting is set before the meeting begins.
Fill out the form and submit it to cbia@grandecom.net or drop it by the intergroup office 7 days before the Intergroup quarterly Meeting to get your item on the agenda.
Fill out the form and submit it to cbia@grandecom.net or drop it by the intergroup office.
Coastal Bend Area Districts
District 7 (Victoria and Surrounding Area)
For AA meetings and maps to their locations in Victoria TX. including the surrounding towns of Cuero, Edna, Goliad, Hallettsville, Karnes City, Palacios, Port Lavaca, Port O’Connor, Seadrift, Shiner, Yoakum and Yorktown TX, click on the link to the district website below:
Link to District 7’s web site: http://www.swtadistrict7aa.org
District 8D (Corpus Christi)
District 8D is an active district with a DCM.
District 8E (Corpus Christi)
District 8E is an active district with a DCM.
District 15 (Portland, Port A, AP & Rockport Area)
District 15 is an active district with a DCM.